Artisans’ Day at Ravenslake

A fun-filled day of education and enjoyment of the arts & sciences

TENTATIVE DATE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2025, 8:30am – 6:00pm

***Thank you for making Artisans’ Day 2024 such a success! We hope you had a wonderful time and will join us again for Artisans’ Day 2025. We will begin posting updates in June – please check back then for the latest info! ***

Lake Villa Township Community Center
37850 N. IL. Route 59
Lake Villa, IL 60046
Less than a quarter-mile south of IL Rt 132 pointer
Navigation app users: Type in the actual address rather than looking for it by name or you may be misdirected.

Brewing/vintning classes will be at the adjacent Church of the Holy Family, 25291 W Lehman Blvd, Lake Villa, IL 60046.
Both sites are mobility-accessible (ramps, paved parking, elementary-school-type restrooms).

Registration (includes lunch)

Adult (16+)$25Adult with Member Discount$15
Youth (6-15)$85 and under$0
Family (2 adult members + 2 or more youth)$46Merchant (1 8×8 space w/table & 2 chairs)$15

Alcohol is permitted ONLY in the brewing/vintning classes – the rest of the site is BONE DRY. IDs will be checked at the Gate for B&V activities and wristbands for persons age 21+ will ONLY be issued there.

Please note: Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.


Participants engaging in this behavior are subject to appropriate sanctions. If you are subjected to harassment, bullying, or retaliation, or if you become aware of anyone being harassed or bullied, contact a seneschal, President of the SCA, or your Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman.


2025 Staff

Event Stewards: the Honorable Metylda of Ravenslake (she/her) and the Honorable Margrett Norwoode of Bristol (she/her) or 847-525-1997 evenings

Class/Salon Coordinator: Mistress Maggie of Cnoc Cait (she/her) or 815-403-1965 evenings

Lunch: the Honorable Seathan MacDhabhidh (he/him) or 847-321-5600

Longshoreman: Master Alexander de Seton (he/him) or 815-403-1964 before 9pm

Merchants: the Honorable Seathan MacDhabhidh (he/him) or 847-321-5600

Gate: the Noble Eilaswintha Buchwald (she/her)

2025 Lunch:


No motel blocks have been arranged for the event. Several motels in varying price ranges are available in Gurnee (I-94 at Grand Avenue/Rt 132), approximately 30 minutes from the event site.

2024 General Schedule:

Merchant Setup Begins8:00AM
Gate and Info Point Opens8:30AM
Populace Space Opens8:30AM
Classes and Morning Salons Begin9:00AM
Morning Salons EndNoon
Lunch Service Begins11:30AM
Afternoon Salons Begin12:30PM
Lunch Service Ends1:00PM
Classes End3:00PM
Afternoon Salons End3:30PM
Gym is Reset for Court3:30PM
Court4:00PM or at Her Majesty’s Pleasure
Site Closes to Populace6:00PM

2024 Classes

Fermented Soft Drinks10:00AM – 11:00AMthe Honorable Seathan MacDhabhidh (he/him)The basic equipment, technique, and recipes for using fermentation to make carbonated soft drinks from juice or flavored water.  I.e. using fresh ginger to make a ginger soda or turning apple juice into a carbonated soft cider.  There will be tastings of premade batches of both. Class will be held in the church – look for signage in the building.Church Fellowship Hall
Feast Gear Then and Now10:00AM – 11:00AMthe Honorable Elaine Ladd (she/her)Classroom 2
Writing Scroll Texts10:00AM – 11:00AMHE Baroness Hillary of Langeforde (she/her)Classroom 3
Back to the Beginning: “Beginner’s Mind” and the Bardic Arts11:00AM – Noon in the Salon areathe Honorable Hilla Stormbringer (she/her)Have you ever gotten in a rut? Have you felt stuck, like you’re going nowhere? Have all your techniques felt dull and stale? Maybe it’s time to get back to basics, or even the beginning! Please join us for a discussion of Beginner’s Mind, what it is, how one can get there, and how it can help you become a better bard. Appropriate for all levels (novice to expert) and ages.Salon Space 1
Mead-Making 10111:00AM – Noonthe Honorable Seathan MacDhabhidh (he/him)The basics for starting a batch of mead at home.
Class will be held in the church – look for signage in the building.
All attendees must be 21+ years of age and have wristband
Church Fellowship Hall
Viking Age Jewelry for Beginners11:00AM – NoonCaptain Hjalmr Njalsson (he/him)Classroom 2
Marozzo’s Unaccompanied Dagger11:00AM – Noon in the Salon areaHE Baron AElfred of Chester (he/him)how to fight single dagger vs single dagger; bring mask, gloves, & daggerSalon Space 4
Quick and Easy Ancient Greek GarbNoon – 1:00PMthe Noble Astra Korinthia (she/her)Classroom 1
Basic Target Arrow AssemblyNoon – 1:00PMthe Honorable Forester Reimar Erikson (he/him)The class will cover methods of putting together arrows for target archery in the SCAClassroom 2
Origami: History and Hands-OnNoon – 1:00PMthe Noble Eilaswintha Buchwald (she/her)Classroom 3materials available for up to 20
Persian Garb Crash Course1:00PM – 2:00PMHE Umm Iskandar Mihri (she/her)This class will cover the various layers that make up a Safavid era Persian outfit including tips on patterning, construction, and fabric selection.Classroom 2
Singing Rounds1:00PM – 2:00PMthe Honorable Margrett Norwoode of Bristol (she/her)Classroom 3
Learning From – and Enjoying! – Comparative Tastings2:00PM – 3:00PMDame Marie la Fauconniere (she/her)Don’t be intimidated by formal food or beverage tastings! Learn how to prepare, compare, and have fun exploring with all your senses. No alcohol will be tasted in this class.Classroom 38 (extra handouts available)FREE

2024 Salons

What’s a salon? In pre-Revolutionary France, intellectuals and artists (and those who aspired to be known as such) were hosted by the social and cultural elite at gatherings known as salons. People of ideas and ability used these gatherings to network, exchange knowledge, and read from, perform, or otherwise show off their latest creations.

Artisans’ Day will offer a variety of 3-hour-long themed salons: time and space to gather with others who share your interest, to work on your own projects and share your knowledge, research, and resources. These are not structured, nor are they workshops – there’s no defined outcome or goal, other than the camaraderie of shared time and space working with others who have a common interest.

Silk Banner Painting10:00AM – NoonHer Royal Majesty Jalida al-Hasannah (she/her)Classroom 1 (new wing)
All Things Manuscripts9:00AM – Noonthe Noble Balthazar the Painter (he/him)Salon Space 2scribal arts, reading and researching manuscripts, historical illuminations and images, etc.
Fiber Arts I9:00AM – Noonthe Noble Clara Van den Broucke (she/her)Salon Space 3
Fiber Arts II12:30PM – 3:30PMMaitresse Audette la Tricoteuse de Saint Denis (she/her)Salon Space 3focus: setting up a loom
Storytelling12:30PM – 3:30PMMaster Cerian Cantwr (he/him)Salon Space 1
Leatherworking12:30PM – 3:30PMthe Noble Magnus Eriksson Whitehair (he/him)Salon Space 2
Metalworking12:30PM – 3:30PMCaptain Hjalmr Njalsson (he/him)Salon Space 4

Also Occurring

Youth Activitiesthe Noble Susanna Merrybegot (she/her)Classroom 5
Scribes’ RoomClassroom 4
Heraldic Consultation TableHE Damian Nihthauk (he/him)Main Hallway
Display: Construction and Decoration of Rapier BucklersHE Damian Nihthauk (he/him)Main Hallway
Vigil: Hilla Stormbringer (Laurel)Filidh Siobhan an Einigh (they/them)Salon Space 1

2024 Youth Activities

Please remember that youth under 12 years of age are expected to be accompanied by their parent or guardian when participating in classes or activities.

10:30AM – 11:00AMStorytime with Hilla
11:00 – NOONHobby Horse Races
NOON – 1:00PMLunch Break
1:00PM – 1:30PMCakewalk
1:30PM – 3:00PMArts & Crafts: Pictures for the Queen
3:00PM – 3:30PMPiñata – beat the Dragon


There are no combat activities planned for the day. However, if weather permits and you bring your own marshal, there is plenty of space on the lawns for pickup fighting.


A few spaces are available at $15 for an 8’x8′ space with 1 table and 2 chairs. Please contact the Merchant Coordinator listed above to reserve a space. Weather permitting, merchants may also set up outdoors at no additional charge.