“The Best Defense needs a good Offense!” The Beaver Academy was founded in the Shire of Ravenslake in A.S. XXXII as a public Academy for the Study and Practice of Rapier Fencing in the Style of our esteemed predecessors DiGrassi, Silver, Savolio and others. Innovations of the Beaver Academy include the Rapier Pike and notorious “fish fight” in the Midlands Rapier List. The Beaver Academy also began the long-running Middle Kingdom Academy of Defense in the Shire of Ravenslake, a tradition now ably continued by the Shire of Caer Gwyn.
The Beaver Academy Membership Rolls
Founding Lector Lord Alexander de Seton of Altavia Founding Scholars Lord Kevin O’Shaughnessy Current Lector or Lectors Previous Lectors Warder Cy |
List of Beavers Rheinmar de Haus Zestroyer (1st Student) |
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Crew of the Raging Beaver |
Letter of Marque for the Raging Beaver. For those unfamiliar with the Beaver Academy, you might wish to confer with Master Alexander de Seton (alexdeset@aol.com) for proper modes of address to the Lector. |
Thorbjorn’s Favor
Bearer of Thorbjorn’s Favor:
Every year at the Middle Kingdom Academy of Defense, fencers are asked to elect a new bearer of Thorbjorn’s Favor.
Thorbjorn’s Favor is a traveling honor, created in remembrance of Master Thorbjorn the Greysides, awarded once a year to an attendee of the Middle Kingdom Academy of Defense in the Shire of Ravenslake. Citizens of the Middle Kingdom and of the kingdoms of Northshield, Ealdormere and Calontir are eligible. Those who have already born the favor (see list below) are not eligible to bear it again. The bearer is chosen each year by a vote of those fencers in attendance. Tie votes are decided by the previous bearer. The new bearer is asked to wear the favor for one year, to bring it back to the next MKAOD, and to have his or her name embroidered on the favor before passing it on to the next bearer.
Bearers of Thorbjorn’s Favor:
1) Master John Inchingham
2) Master Fritz Bare
3) Sir Guillaume LaFort
4) Baron Adam Comyn
5) Master Alexander de Seton
6) Master Christian de Fournier
7) Don Mateo Montero de Madrid
8) Warder Gallien le Cavalier de L’lle
9) Master Philippe de Leon
10) Mistress Moira MacGillavrey
11) Master Anton du Marais
12) Master Warder Terrance of Tynedale
13) Warder Kai Tseng
14) Master Adam MacAoidh
15) The Honorable Lord Liam Martini
16) Warder Cecil duPont
17) Master Peter Grau von Bremen
18) War-Don Adam Carmichael